New Moon in Leo and our month ahead by Eliza from ‘The Hand that Guides Astrology’ @thehandthatguides
There is nothing like a new moon to start a new cycle. Historically, this is the time when farmers have planted their seeds. A new moon takes place when the sun and moon meet exactly on the same sign at the same degree, therefore there is no reflection and no light. As the sky is at its darkest, there is no reflection on the moon. Think of the dark sky as fertile soil into which you can plant your dreams. This new moon happens in Leo, the sign of self-expression, creativity, romance, play and drama! This new moon also happens to square Uranus, the planets of sudden changes, surprises, evolution and technology. This new moon is an opportunity to start a new cycle in the Leo area of our lives, but being mindful of sudden changes and learning to navigate the constant shifts that life is made of! Also, Venus retrograde in Leo is still involved – so reflection is still a big theme… as is patience.
This was an unusual Leo season, it was about reflection and reclaiming our sovereignty, rather than the usual party season! Virgo season, a time of harvest and reckoning is coming on August 22nd, this is a time for analysing and planning our moves for the winter ahead, we harvest what we sow too.
However, on August 24th Mercury – Virgo’s ruling planet – goes into retrograde motion, again, the energy says: reflect, plan, this is a time to analyse your resources, rather than to change ahead. Venus goes out of retrograde on September 2nd, but I would advise that we spend this month having a deep look into ourselves, themes and people from the past will continue to re-surface in order to be healed. Reflect on what we value, what brings us joy, how to you love, express and play – re-evaluate your goals – and look at your current troubles with kindness, objectivity and authenticity, and only make any moves after September 17th, and even better, when the sun enters Libra on September 23rth.
Have a beautiful month of joy and reflection (yes, they can definitely go together!)