Shaun the Osteo
BSc (Clinical Sciences), MHSc (Osteopathy)
Whole Body Osteopathy / Holistic Body Work
Cranial Osteopathy
Cranio-Sacral Therapy
Shaun is forever curious about all things health and is always striving to understand the whys in life. He has a comprehensive understanding of the mechanics and dynamic interactions of the body, offering a clear picture and great specificity in his treatments.
“Life is water, dancing to the tune of solids” ~~ Albert Szent-Gyorgi
Shaun has a great passion for traditional osteopathy, with spirit at its basis.
Spirit being ‘the flow of energy and information’, our water-filled bodies offer the perfect medium for the rhythmical animation of life. True osteopathy aims to help restore our physical bodies to an optimally balanced state, allowing for the unimpeded movement of fluid (the exchange of nutrients/waste), providing the ideal vessel for conscious embodiment and the full expression of spirit and health.
Treatment is available to patients of all ages and demographics, with complaints arising anywhere from head to toe.
Shaun’s approach aims to identify why one’s complaint may not be healing and why their body is failing to adequately compensate. He thrives on seeing those who have not been responding to other forms of treatment, from long-term and recurrent injuries to chronic health conditions.
To optimise healing and adaptability, treatment may involve such things as
- fascial unwinding from trauma/shock and unresolved past injuries
- nervous system balancing, down-regulating and stress clearing. Including the long-term effects of past illnesses, such as long covid
- scar tissue release, including scars from surgeries, caesarians and trauma - optimising circulation and lymphatic drainage
- jaw, dental and orthodontic support
- visceral (organ) and pelvic work
- addressing flat-feet / over-pronation and poor posture
£90 per consultation (1 hour)
Wondering whether osteopathy may be able to help you? Contact Shaun to book a free 15 minute discovery call.
- Please contact Shaun if you are in need but have serious concerns of affordability. I am happy to accommodate for those who are committed to improving their health.
You can read more about Shaun and his approach at:
For bookings, please contact Shaun by email or phone/text/whatsapp:
m: 0737 835 9205